Value Widgets
With a plethora of challenges that keep coming in to the face of entrepreneurs and their teams in the pursuit of kick-starting new ventures and/or solving day to day operational challenges with productivity and efficiency in order to create enterprise value.
Factoryal is happy to launch a series of its proprietary management tools a.k.a Value Widgets from time to time in order to empower our clients and their employees. These Value Widgets are designed and developed by our Value Architects who have extensive experience in our practice areas and/or industries of our interest. All our value widgets are available for free of cost to anyone who are eager to create value for their enterprise.

- Idea Quadrant
- Idea Gauge
- BA Tool Kit
- Digital Marketing Canvas
- Overview
- How it Works
- For Whom
Having an idea isn’t the key to a successful business venture, only strategic execution ,careful planning, and mapping can lead you to a fruitful outcome. Many of us might brainstorm an idea, but fail to validate the business

aspect of it. Hence we at Factoryal have created a simple yet effective tool called “Idea Quadrant” which is designed for beginners like you to plot your next idea. No idea can be a feasible opportunity unless it is validated under the circumstances of its operating environment and the degree of disruption it can leverage, in order to succeed in a highly competitive landscape. We at Factoryal will help you to identify & explore the key factors for launching a product/service besides helping you to capture the underlying assumptions which further can be tested while formulating a meaningful hypothesis for validating the same.
How it works-
This tool must be downloaded and printed on an A2 size paper. It is imperative to know 5 primary elements in the Idea quadrant i.e
- Kernal – The most important element would be the Kernal as we at Factoryal would like to state it as the foundation of any business i.e the Idea. Not all ideas can be converted into a business opportunity. We would like you to describe the idea in a simple 10-12 line as to why this idea struck you. What are the quantifiable benefits that your idea could provide? Lastly your idea should be able to put a dent in the market you plan to enter.
- Problem- The problem you plan to solve must be a real problem, i.e the business idea should be able to clearly define what you’re solving, and how distinctively you are going to place yourself in the market.
- Customer- The business you plan to enter be it a product or service based, the key to success is in identifying your core audience. You must be aware of their taste preferences, consumer behaviour, geographic layout, and age group.
- System- Factoryal believes that standalone products and services will no longer be competitive and sustainable, since the world is predominantly moving towards servicizing. Future markets are in need of systems for seamless integration and cohesive delivery of products, services and its ecosystem to maximize the value.
- Value- You must be able to identify the potential benefits that your system can deliver to your customers in order to outweigh your competitors. These benefits may include functional, emotional, or even life changing benefits. The value proposition that you create will lead you to creating a recurring customer base, increased sales and brand value.
For Whom
Idea Quadrant is a tool which has been primarily developed for individuals who are new to the business world, and would like to operate more effectively and efficiently. The Idea Quadrant will help you leverage your business idea, and guide you through weather to start the business or not. No one likes wasting resources, go ahead and give it a try!
- Overview
- How it Works
- For Whom
We at Factoryal have designed a very efficient KPI for Angel Investors, HNI’s or Individuals who are willing to fund a business venture. The idea of becoming a promoter in a business activity may sound fun and enthralling, but the reality is not many of us are successful in terms of our ROI. We have broadly classified 5 segments that will help you button down to which industry should you invest in.

How it works
1.Black Swans– Now many of us might not know what is a black swan. It is definitely not the bird that we are talking about in this context. It is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalised after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. Being an investor, you must be able to identify such events taking place, and be able to comprehend the commercial aspect pertaining to such events.
Black swans are broadly classified within three industries and they are; Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Black Swan events may only happen within these three spectrums. Now for example let’s take a technology company such as “Google” . During the early days not many people understood the core potential of Google, only a few did and they were the Angel Investors who were able to see a bigger horizon than most of us. In today’s date Google is currently valued at $632B. Back then people never knew the significance of a search engine, and what a search engine extracts, i.e data and in today’s date Data is the next currency.
2.The Innovators– Innovation the word itself means to create something new, and when you create something new you want to insulate your novelty. You will be needing Intellectual property, or in other words Patents. There are broadly three types of Patents available for a user to apply and they are;
- Utility
- Design
- Plant
While investing in companies that are unique in nature in terms of their product/service offering, one must also introspect if there is any potential IP on their product/service. This will help restraining your competitors from reverse engineering, and also help create revenue streams where you can license the product/service and receive monetary compensation in perpetuity or till the agreed time.
3.Land Grabbers– These are the companies who have not created a product/service, but rather have disrupted existing markets by leveraging technology, reducing their cost, and operating in a Niche market. The best example for this is “Uber” as we all know that cab hailing services were also there way back in the day, but their way of operating the business was inefficient as compared to Uber. Uber only installed a GPS and built an App which allowed users to Book a cab from anywhere, anytime, at a reduced rate. This business model has helped Uber Scale a market to its highest potential.
4.Parasite Peers- This is a type of product/service segment whose utility is derived from another product or service, in other words Auxiliary products/services which are present in the market. For example if we consider mobile phone accessories, their sales are entirely dependent upon the sale of the mobile phone. Investing in such a product/or a similar product that has an auxiliary function the investor must comprehend the sustainability of the product and also analyse the demand for such products.
5.The Mutants- These are companies with little or no innovation at all. These companies are focused more on trying to acquire customers based on their portfolio. These companies will have slight differences in price, product line, and branding. While investing in such companies, Investors must be able to identify which amongst these companies is the Market leader/or is sought in becoming the Market Leader. For example if we see there are many E-commerce companies that are selling their products online, let it be shoes, pants, shirts etc. These products can be found again on other Ecommerce websites as well, but the only difference you will be able to observe is the price, collection, and branding, how well that company has positioned itself.
For Whom
This Value Widget is developed primarily for Angel Investors, HNI’s and early stage Venture Capital firms, who are yet to identify their thrust areas. You will be able to define as to why you are willing to invest in XYZ companies that are associated with XYZ products. It will help you in making a sound investment decision.
- Overview
- How it Works
- For Whom
Factoryal has developed a tool called Business Assessment(BA) with the help of this tool, any business owner will be able to comprehend his/her business more adequately if you follow our 4 step filtration process

How it works
1.The landscape – This is the first filter you must keep i.e the landscape aspect will help you ascertain the dynamics of the operating environment of your company, and it will help you circumvent certain situations that would have caused hindrance in your business. In the landscape you must be able to identify market characteristics i.e Business cycle, Market Size, Entry Exit Barrier price sensitivity and favourable/unfavourable factors that can affect your business. The other important aspect would be to determine your customers, every business has its own set of customers. So from day one you must be able to identify who comprises your customer segment. Another important element would be your competitors, you should be able to list down the top 3 competitors.
We must also recognize which product is a cash cow in your business i.e generating more 80% revenue and your company is also recognized because of those products, this will help you assess where your other product line is going wrong.
2.The Navigator –This section of the business assessment will help us evaluate the clarity of thought and focus on the journey of value creation and assessing the compatibility, and capability of the leadership team to create the desired output. In this there are three main subsegments that one must account for and they are;
1.Charter- The company must have a concise Mission ,Vision and Objective.
2.Direction- Outline your business strategy in less than 100 words. Strategy is a set of business activities carried out by your firm to deliver the envisaged value proposition to your target customers in order to gain the competitive advantage.
3.Leadership- List the details of the leadership team and frontline managers who are accountable for key business functions at your company.
3.The Core – This section of the assessment will help us evaluate the building blocks of core business functions and their capacities, capabilities and performance as on date to discover the scope for improvement in these areas.
The core of every business are the following areas;
1.Marketing- In marketing you should analyse your channels to connect to your customers, key metrics, and funnel conversions.
2.Sales- In sales you should review how the sales organization is structured in alignment with business and marketing plans in terms of unit design, leadership, territory planning and resource allocation.
3.Fulfillment One of the key aspects is overviewing how the service delivery organization is structured to meet client needs through appropriate culture, unit design, leadership, skill matrix, processes & systems and resource allocation.
4.The Invisible- Last but not least, the role of people function, financial controls and support functions are inevitable and thus evaluating how they are managed by the leadership team, opens the doors for improving customer experience and enterprise value.
For Whom
The above aforementioned tool can be used by any enterprise, SME Business owner,and startups that are looking to structure their business in a more organized way, and also revamping their business operations.
- Overview
- How it Works
- For Whom
Businesses who are able to win over customers are the future market leaders. With the help of digital transformation there are a ton of customers who can buy your product/service with a few clicks. Having said that, decoding the right

approach for winning the customers is science, art and management given the broader horizon of the digital marketing landscape. Digital Marketing Canvas is the most simplified and powerful marketing tool designed by a seasoned consultant and entrepreneur who has 15 years of proven experience in the area of business strategy and marketing. This tool will empower you to plan the digital marketing campaigns effortlessly.
How it works
In a digital Marketing Canvas there are a couple of things that the marketer must meticulously focus on, in order to achieve their desired goal. The following will help you perceive things in a more intricate manner.
1. Value Proposition- Before you even start any marketing campaign, you must be able to promise a value that you can deliver, communicate, and be acknowledged by your potential customers. Marketing without any value will lead you to customer attrition and reduced brand equity.
2. Buyer Persona – The marketer must also be familiar with the buyer persona that he/she is dealing with. This metric will help you understand your customers in a more encyclical manner. Clarifying the types of people who benefit from your solutions and the challenges you help them solve, is critical to your efforts to attract and retain customers.
3. Goals – Goal can be derived from the objective of your marketing campaign, we usually get addled between the two. To make things less confusing, a goal would be the end result of the campaign that you proposed for.
4. Touchpoints – A touchpoint is any point of interaction with a customer or potential customer at any stage of the customer journey. Digital touchpoints refer to engagements with your brand online, which include your website, ads, search engine results, social media, etc. Touchpoints assist to communicate the brand and its unique story. Whether it be through a short video, a charismatic salesperson, or a cheerful email, you can positively (or negatively) impact the opinion of your customer base with touchpoints.
5. Message – One of the key aspects in your digital marketing campaign is the message, we tend to confuse our audience by delivering more than one message. This is where the campaign fails, we at Factoryal believe that you should not propose more than one message in your campaign, in order to achieve maximum results.
6. Content – This is another important element in any successful marketing campaign. Content plays a vital role in educating your audience to make smart purchasing decisions. You can also fuel your content with SEO to help you attract more leads via search engines. Nowadays before making the actual purchase, consumers are very precocious of their decisions, and are easily overwhelmed with the content you sell.
7. Channels – The channels in digital marketing are directly proportional to your target audience, which means before you can start any campaign, focus on the audience’s reachout. Some of the common channels can be; email marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO/PPC, Video Marketing etc.
8. Tools – When it comes to digital marketing, few things are as important as the tools digital marketers rely on to get their jobs done. These include everything from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to analytics tools like Google Analytics. Allowing marketers to create, test and measure the performance of their campaigns, digital marketing tools ensure that marketers can launch and test campaigns quickly and effectively.
9. Metrics – Digital Marketing Metrics or KPIs are values used by marketing teams to measure and track the performance of their marketing campaigns. Digital marketing teams use a number of tools to promote their services and products, and tracking the results can often be time consuming and difficult. By creating specific digital marketing KPIs, it’s easy to determine targets and goals and measure performance based on those quantifiable values.
10. Budget – The most sensitive area of any campaign is the budget. This should be effectively planned with a roadmap, and an allocation should be benchmarked in order to avoid depleting your budget plan.
11. ROI – This is the end result of your entire digital marketing campaign, this metric will help you analyze and assess if things went according to plan or not. This metric will also help you understand your CAC as well.
For Whom
1. Entrepreneurs & Small business owners – To plan and execute the campaigns on your own.
2. Digital marketing agencies – To deliver better results for your clients.
3. Digital marketing professionals – To achieve your KPIs & KRAs
4. Marketing freelancers – For presenting the campaign ideas to your clients.
5. Marketing Professors & Trainers – For academic and training purposes.
6. Students of marketing – For the purpose of skill and competency development.
- Overview
- How it works?
- For Whom
Having an idea isn’t the key to a successful business venture, only strategic execution ,careful planning, and mapping can lead you to a fruitful outcome. Many of us might brainstorm an idea, but fail to validate the business

aspect of it. Hence we at Factoryal have created a simple yet effective tool called “Idea Quadrant” which is designed for beginners like you to plot your next idea. No idea can be a feasible opportunity unless it is validated under the circumstances of its operating environment and the degree of disruption it can leverage, in order to succeed in a highly competitive landscape. We at Factoryal will help you to identify & explore the key factors for launching a product/service besides helping you to capture the underlying assumptions which further can be tested while formulating a meaningful hypothesis for validating the same.
How it works-
This tool must be downloaded and printed on an A2 size paper. It is imperative to know 5 primary elements in the Idea quadrant i.e
- Kernal – The most important element would be the Kernal as we at Factoryal would like to state it as the foundation of any business i.e the Idea. Not all ideas can be converted into a business opportunity. We would like you to describe the idea in a simple 10-12 line as to why this idea struck you. What are the quantifiable benefits that your idea could provide? Lastly your idea should be able to put a dent in the market you plan to enter.
- Problem- The problem you plan to solve must be a real problem, i.e the business idea should be able to clearly define what you’re solving, and how distinctively you are going to place yourself in the market.
- Customer- The business you plan to enter be it a product or service based, the key to success is in identifying your core audience. You must be aware of their taste preferences, consumer behaviour, geographic layout, and age group.
- System- Factoryal believes that standalone products and services will no longer be competitive and sustainable, since the world is predominantly moving towards servicizing. Future markets are in need of systems for seamless integration and cohesive delivery of products, services and its ecosystem to maximize the value.
- Value- You must be able to identify the potential benefits that your system can deliver to your customers in order to outweigh your competitors. These benefits may include functional, emotional, or even life changing benefits. The value proposition that you create will lead you to creating a recurring customer base, increased sales and brand value.
For Whom
Idea Quadrant is a tool which has been primarily developed for individuals who are new to the business world, and would like to operate more effectively and efficiently. The Idea Quadrant will help you leverage your business idea, and guide you through weather to start the business or not. No one likes wasting resources, go ahead and give it a try!
- Overview
- How it works?
- For Whom
Having an idea isn’t the key to a successful business venture, only strategic execution ,careful planning, and mapping can lead you to a fruitful outcome. Many of us might brainstorm an idea, but fail to validate the business

aspect of it. Hence we at Factoryal have created a simple yet effective tool called “Idea Quadrant” which is designed for beginners like you to plot your next idea. No idea can be a feasible opportunity unless it is validated under the circumstances of its operating environment and the degree of disruption it can leverage, in order to succeed in a highly competitive landscape. We at Factoryal will help you to identify & explore the key factors for launching a product/service besides helping you to capture the underlying assumptions which further can be tested while formulating a meaningful hypothesis for validating the same.
How it works-
This tool must be downloaded and printed on an A2 size paper. It is imperative to know 5 primary elements in the Idea quadrant i.e
- Kernal – The most important element would be the Kernal as we at Factoryal would like to state it as the foundation of any business i.e the Idea. Not all ideas can be converted into a business opportunity. We would like you to describe the idea in a simple 10-12 line as to why this idea struck you. What are the quantifiable benefits that your idea could provide? Lastly your idea should be able to put a dent in the market you plan to enter.
- Problem- The problem you plan to solve must be a real problem, i.e the business idea should be able to clearly define what you’re solving, and how distinctively you are going to place yourself in the market.
- Customer- The business you plan to enter be it a product or service based, the key to success is in identifying your core audience. You must be aware of their taste preferences, consumer behaviour, geographic layout, and age group.
- System- Factoryal believes that standalone products and services will no longer be competitive and sustainable, since the world is predominantly moving towards servicizing. Future markets are in need of systems for seamless integration and cohesive delivery of products, services and its ecosystem to maximize the value.
- Value- You must be able to identify the potential benefits that your system can deliver to your customers in order to outweigh your competitors. These benefits may include functional, emotional, or even life changing benefits. The value proposition that you create will lead you to creating a recurring customer base, increased sales and brand value.
For Whom
Idea Quadrant is a tool which has been primarily developed for individuals who are new to the business world, and would like to operate more effectively and efficiently. The Idea Quadrant will help you leverage your business idea, and guide you through weather to start the business or not. No one likes wasting resources, go ahead and give it a try!
- Overview
- How it works?
- For Whom
Having an idea isn’t the key to a successful business venture, only strategic execution ,careful planning, and mapping can lead you to a fruitful outcome. Many of us might brainstorm an idea, but fail to validate the business

aspect of it. Hence we at Factoryal have created a simple yet effective tool called “Idea Quadrant” which is designed for beginners like you to plot your next idea. No idea can be a feasible opportunity unless it is validated under the circumstances of its operating environment and the degree of disruption it can leverage, in order to succeed in a highly competitive landscape. We at Factoryal will help you to identify & explore the key factors for launching a product/service besides helping you to capture the underlying assumptions which further can be tested while formulating a meaningful hypothesis for validating the same.
How it works-
This tool must be downloaded and printed on an A2 size paper. It is imperative to know 5 primary elements in the Idea quadrant i.e
- Kernal – The most important element would be the Kernal as we at Factoryal would like to state it as the foundation of any business i.e the Idea. Not all ideas can be converted into a business opportunity. We would like you to describe the idea in a simple 10-12 line as to why this idea struck you. What are the quantifiable benefits that your idea could provide? Lastly your idea should be able to put a dent in the market you plan to enter.
- Problem- The problem you plan to solve must be a real problem, i.e the business idea should be able to clearly define what you’re solving, and how distinctively you are going to place yourself in the market.
- Customer- The business you plan to enter be it a product or service based, the key to success is in identifying your core audience. You must be aware of their taste preferences, consumer behaviour, geographic layout, and age group.
- System- Factoryal believes that standalone products and services will no longer be competitive and sustainable, since the world is predominantly moving towards servicizing. Future markets are in need of systems for seamless integration and cohesive delivery of products, services and its ecosystem to maximize the value.
- Value- You must be able to identify the potential benefits that your system can deliver to your customers in order to outweigh your competitors. These benefits may include functional, emotional, or even life changing benefits. The value proposition that you create will lead you to creating a recurring customer base, increased sales and brand value.
For Whom
Idea Quadrant is a tool which has been primarily developed for individuals who are new to the business world, and would like to operate more effectively and efficiently. The Idea Quadrant will help you leverage your business idea, and guide you through weather to start the business or not. No one likes wasting resources, go ahead and give it a try!
- Overview
- How it works?
- For Whom
Having an idea isn’t the key to a successful business venture, only strategic execution ,careful planning, and mapping can lead you to a fruitful outcome. Many of us might brainstorm an idea, but fail to validate the business

aspect of it. Hence we at Factoryal have created a simple yet effective tool called “Idea Quadrant” which is designed for beginners like you to plot your next idea. No idea can be a feasible opportunity unless it is validated under the circumstances of its operating environment and the degree of disruption it can leverage, in order to succeed in a highly competitive landscape. We at Factoryal will help you to identify & explore the key factors for launching a product/service besides helping you to capture the underlying assumptions which further can be tested while formulating a meaningful hypothesis for validating the same.
How it works-
This tool must be downloaded and printed on an A2 size paper. It is imperative to know 5 primary elements in the Idea quadrant i.e
- Kernal – The most important element would be the Kernal as we at Factoryal would like to state it as the foundation of any business i.e the Idea. Not all ideas can be converted into a business opportunity. We would like you to describe the idea in a simple 10-12 line as to why this idea struck you. What are the quantifiable benefits that your idea could provide? Lastly your idea should be able to put a dent in the market you plan to enter.
- Problem- The problem you plan to solve must be a real problem, i.e the business idea should be able to clearly define what you’re solving, and how distinctively you are going to place yourself in the market.
- Customer- The business you plan to enter be it a product or service based, the key to success is in identifying your core audience. You must be aware of their taste preferences, consumer behaviour, geographic layout, and age group.
- System- Factoryal believes that standalone products and services will no longer be competitive and sustainable, since the world is predominantly moving towards servicizing. Future markets are in need of systems for seamless integration and cohesive delivery of products, services and its ecosystem to maximize the value.
- Value- You must be able to identify the potential benefits that your system can deliver to your customers in order to outweigh your competitors. These benefits may include functional, emotional, or even life changing benefits. The value proposition that you create will lead you to creating a recurring customer base, increased sales and brand value.
For Whom
Idea Quadrant is a tool which has been primarily developed for individuals who are new to the business world, and would like to operate more effectively and efficiently. The Idea Quadrant will help you leverage your business idea, and guide you through weather to start the business or not. No one likes wasting resources, go ahead and give it a try!